
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Nagin and Bush

I've been knocking this comparison around in my head for a few years now. There are some striking similarities between the two men. Both came to politics from the "business world". Bush ran a series of cushy family connected oil exploration ventures into the ground before becoming a useful political puppet of arms dealers and energy companies. Nagin ran Cox cable in New Orleans (as Schroeder puts it in comments to this YRHT post, "How tough a "business executive" do you have to be to work for a massive monopoly that just collects checks for a ridiculously overpriced service?") before becoming a useful political puppet of the city's white aristocracy. Both men are prone to making bewilderingly stupid statements when allowed to speak extemporaneously. Both men can appear rather surly when challenged on these statements. (Nagin, admittedly, is a little better at damage control insofar as he actually makes the effort.) Nagin's recent statement that "God is angry at America" invokes the nutball religious rhetoric of Bush's constituency.

Luckily recent events have allowed a new mathematical relationship to emerge which I believe I can reveal to you here. In light of Nagin's bizarre "chocolate" word choice and given what we know from this equation discovered recently by Tom Tomorrow, I think we can now say the following with some confidence.