
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Tears welling up

For the billionth time since all of this began as Schroeder links to this Wapo editorial by Eugene Robinson which once again points out the obvious. The city is at the mercy of aristocrats and developers bent on forcing people off of their land.
I have trouble believing this fight is really over, however. The key is for people to get off of this nicey-nice "New Orleans needs to speak with one voice" bullshit and start realizing that there are real enemies here.
Today the mayor said in a radio soundbite that the Martin Luther King holiday is a good time for everyone to come together and get behind the BNOB bulldoze scheme; yet another manifestation of the establishment's sanitization and appropriation of King's legacy. The architect of the Poor People's Campaign would want us to fight. Wake up, New Orleans before it's too late.