And, you know, there's so much to pick from in
this little episode that it's really hard to find the choice cut. I mean there's this,
"One of the prayers I ask is that God's light shines through me as best as possible, no matter how opaque the window," said Bush, a United Methodist.
Or this Domestically, he considers his work on faith-based initiatives to be one of his most important efforts and thinks a change in the definition of marriage "will weaken civilization."
But, really, the most offensive nugget here is the part where the President badly misrepresents his job description.
"The job of a president is to help cultures change," Bush told the nine writers and executives, according to an edited transcript posted Friday on "Governments cannot change culture alone. . . . I understand that. But I can be a voice of cultural change."
For an actual job description for the position: President of the United States click
here. Now I know that folks enjoy throwing the word facism around but... there it is. The executive officer of the government believes he has some role to play in the emotional and spiritual leadership of the populace. This is so wrong that it makes my brain freeze trying to describe the depth of its wrongitude. Somewhere in my head full of mushy, icy slush is an argument that goes something like constitutional democracy is based on the rule of law and not of messianic evangelical supermen who derive power through cult of personality. But then again why bother? Sheep like to be led and there does seem to be a surge in the bleating population these days. I think what I actually would like is to live in a bubble. A soundproof bubble. Oh but can I have some peanut butter pretzel Combos in there with me? And a helper monkey. And a copy of
Chicken Soup for the Soul. And a copy of
Chicken Soup for the Helper Monkey's Soul. And I think that's it.