
Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Take My Mississippi.... please

Y'all this is soooo cute. The folks at ChristianExodus.org are mad as hell (mostly about gay marriage) and they aren't gonna take it anymore.
The efforts of Christian activism have proven futile over the past five decades and, whereas desperate times require desperate measures, we are now in the most desperate of times. The federal government is considering whether marriage, the foundation of civilization since Creation, should be reserved solely to a man and a woman. Christians must now draw a line in the sand and unite in a sovereign state to dissolve our bond with the current union comprised as the United States of America.
Yep, you heard that right, kids. Things have gotten so out of hand that it's time to gather 50,000 righteous living GSUS loving rednecks and move them to (actual state yet to be chosen) in order to affect the removal of that state from the United States of America thereby "redeeming" it and bringing about "....an independent Christian nation where people may once again worship God under the protection of a friendly government. In addition, such a nation will be free of burdensome taxation and federal meddling in local affairs. Matter of factly, the liberties we have lost to liberalism over the past century will be restored in one fell swoop."
Excited? Great! All you have to do is join according to your appropriate commitment level pack your stuff, pull the kids out of school(they probably can't pray there anyway), and stand by to move to.. well it hasn't gotten that far yet.
ChristianExodus.org is researching three candidate states: Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina. These states were chosen because of their relatively small populations, their coastal access and their Christian-conservative citizenry. In addition, each of these states possesses a rich history of standing up for its rights. Our board of directors considers the values of these three states to be very similar to the values held by our membership.
Coastal access? Must have something to do with this.
Anyway, once you arrive in the promised land, you'll probably need a job. Don't worry, that's all taken care of.
ChristianExodus.org understands that the most important concern to our membership will be employment in our destination state. To help our members find employment, we will establish an employment service once our target state is chosen. ChristianExodus.org will recruit employers to hire our members as they emigrate. Different programs and incentives are currently being evaluated in the hope that we’ll be able to find desired employment for all members who need help. Check our Employment page occasionally for updates and new opportunities (many will be added once our destination is chosen).
Note: Employment page not yet available, but they haven't chosen a state yet so I'll give them some time. Personally, I promise to do as much as I possibly can to help this happen. You should too.