Yeah yeah Susan Hutson is being sued by a guy she fired for whistleblowing over the Mardi Gras hotel rooms. (allegedly!) And yeah yeah there is a salacious bit about an (alleged) affair thrown in because that is how we sell any story nowadays. But what I'm really interested in here is this.
Trautenberg says he investigated, and alleges that Hutson told him to stop, and if he didn't, "she would fire him for insubordination,” the lawsuit states.
Hutson defended the spending to WDSU Investigates.
OPSO now says they used the money they collected from donations, fundraising, and vending machines to pay for the rooms and not tax dollars.
I've already said, I don't think that accepting the hotel stays from "donations and fundraising" is necessarily better than just using department funds to pay for them. If anything, it's worse, actually! But what is this vending machine money all about? The Sheriff has vending machine money? How much? From where? How does that normally get spent anyway?