Congrats to the various landlords and contractors and politicians responsible for the deadly collapse of the Hard Rock Hotel construction site in 2019. You're all free to go.
NEW ORLEANS — A state grand jury voted against indicting anyone for causing the catastrophic Hard Rock Hotel collapse four years ago, essentially ending a two-year criminal investigation by Orleans Parish District Attorney Jason Williams with nothing to show for it.
Thursday’s grand jury meeting was held in secret, but Angela Magrette, whose brother Anthony was killed in the catastrophe, told WWL-TV she was informed of the decision not to press criminal charges. The grand jury meeting was the last one before a deadline to file criminal charges. Next Thursday, Oct. 12, is the fourth anniversary of the catastrophe and state law gives prosecutors four years to file gross negligence charges.
Congratulations, also, to Jason Williams and his excellent decision making.
Williams chose to have a grand jury hear testimony on the matter and vote whether to bring charges, rather than simply filing them. The grand jury returned “not a true bill,” meaning at least nine grand jurors heard unrefuted testimony and didn’t think there was enough evidence to hold someone criminally liable for the collapse.