
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Long termism

 This is what Sam Bankman-Fried told people.

Long-run savings

Rodriguez said the company’s pitch to customers is that they will save money in the long run if the plan is approved. The company’s leaders have argued it will cost less over time if the company can avoid costly replacement projects after storms, and that customers may not have to spend money evacuating.

If approved, New Orleans customers would see higher bills. The utility has said bills would gradually rise from an additional 20 cents in surcharges per month in 2024 to $11.86 per month in 2028.

For this very simple investment in our company making its quarterly profit goal so it can spit out obscene dividends to shareholders, you get the peace of mind that you are doing a... good thing for... the future.. maybe. 

Also resilience! Don't forget that we said resilience in this pitch. That always seems to work