
Monday, October 02, 2017

Just another one of those sure-hope-the-pumps-are-on days

Plan your commute accordingly

If you still have power amidst today's regular rain conditions, which you may not,  you might pass the time by watching a few of the recent mayoral forums. Here are two that focused on S&WB issues specifically. The first was hosted by the Urban Conservancy on September 14. Please enjoy Matt Hill talking about paving roads with Styrofoam peanuts or something and Johnese Smith talking about Captain Kirk. It's all very inspiring.

This link should get you to the September 20 forum hosted by The Advocate.  In that one, LaToya says "Skin in the game" approximately five hundred times, Troy Henry talks about getting an NOPD "strike force" to go after "bad dudes" and Desiree says "we are fee-ed out" to a question about stormwater fees.

Meanwhile, what pumping capacity are we currently working with? It's anybody's guess today.

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