The opposition is largely irrational. The intersection as it stands functions as a transfer site already only it requires passengers to jaywalk across a confusing and chaotically regulated traffic flow. The result is the worst possible combination of clogged vehicular traffic and dangers to pedestrians. Moving all of this activity into one facility and out of harm's way should have been done ages ago.
But this is Lakeview where everyone who lives there drives anyway. And anything that might benefit people who depend on public transit can't be a good thing for right-thinking communities, right?
But since this is the third time, and since the project obviously has to happen, RTA is probably going to build.. something, finally. At least the residents can rest assured that whatever gets built won't be quite as nice as it could have been for the people who have to use it.
The RTA shelved the idea in 2005 and again in 2009 after neighborhood leaders and City Hall refused to support it.
To address objections, the agency scaled back its proposal, which once called for a large building to house retail space and public restrooms.
The latest design, which includes no major construction, proposes new lighting and small transit shelters positioned at each of seven parking bays for buses and the streetcar stop. Restrooms will be available but only for transit personnel.
If you have to take your stinky, worthless, bus riding selves through our neighborhood, you damn sure better have a strong bladder.