
Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Garland went all Rudy on us this morning

His whole first segment was a strange announcement I can paraphrase from memory as "I would really love to talk about this but because of an agreement I made I'm not going to." And so then, naturally, he talked about it for about five minutes saying, in essence, "I did not have sex with that woman" or something like it. And then that was the end of it.

Next he brought in some "terrorism expert" for a segment that was basically "Hey, look over there! 9-11 9-11 9-11!" And then I had to turn it off and go.

Luckily Dambala listened long enough to preserve a nugget for us.
11:11 - Talking about the decline of the US Post Office, a caller got through and said, "Hi Garland, I think what the Post Office needs is a $250,000 loan with no interest!" Garland, "Alright...he's gone."

What a clown act. I'm not so naive as not to understand that commercial talk radio isn't really about informing people. On the other hand I am perhaps just naive enough as to think that maybe it should be. Or, in the very least, WWL radio probably shouldn't be a 50,000 watt torch for broadcasting paid advocacy disguised as public affairs programing.

Also, FYI, the online FCC complaint form is accessible here.

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