
Friday, April 29, 2011

Mitch Landrieu as Scott Walker

Only difference is here there aren't any decent unions.
The mayor also plans to embark on an overhaul of the antiquated civil service system this year. The plan, he said, is to "release" city employees and hire them back into newly defined positions, a process that could prove politically difficult.

"We're going to have real performance measures and real ways to measure their performance so that we get merit-based growth," he said, adding that in the end, the city may have "a slightly contracted work force because fewer people can do more work effectively if you get technology moving in the right direction."
Translation: Fire everybody, have them re-apply for temp positions without benefits.

Hey, something's gotta pay for James Carter's "war room", right? I hope the war room is at least as cool as those extendable police towers you see on Bourbon Street. I've always wanted to ride in one of those things. Probably would make a great tourist attraction, really. I think if you hired one of Serpas' in-laws to charge people five bucks a head to go up in one of those, you'd fix your budget problems in no time.