
Friday, February 05, 2010

Today's Mail

I have no idea how they stuffed this much crap in there.

Campaign crap

My favorite in this batch is the one on your right with the woman in the red sweater. That's John Georges' wife testifying to the general awesomeness of her husband. Unfortunately, when a candidate like John Georges decides to use his family as a cheap political prop all it does is cause me to speculate about the details of the Gerorgeses' courtship. Did they meet in college? Because, according to comments at AZ...
When I was 16 in 1970 I went to a DEKE party. The frat brothers would disappear upstairs, strip down, paint themselves various colors and appear naked downstairs. It was the first naked grown man I had seen. It was meant to shock the women and the reaction was supposed to discern if the gal was loose. So we have misogyny as well. They were a pretty raunchy crew as well as very wealthy. I think that is why they were tolerated for so long.

Dambala has been taking a lot of heat for putting all of this stuff up the other day but I, for one, think it's not only relevant but crucial to understanding just what kind of people your business, civic, and professional "leaders" are in New Orleans. All of them are where they are today, in part, because, at some point in their lives, they decided to join a club. They joined a club whose purpose is to reinforce the smug, racist, classist, sexist culture of power they all hoped to be a part of one day. And they all got what they wanted. They're all very successful in the sense that they understand success. But to get there, they sure as shit did pour punch for the franchise. They sure as shit did join the club.

These are not "youthful indiscretions" we're talking about. These are moral life choices with real consequences. John Georges is in the club now. That means he'll be just fine whether or not he ever becomes Mayor or Senator or Governor. But it also means that if he wants to be those things, it's only appropriate that the people he's asking to put him there know that he's in the club, and that they know exactly what that means.

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