
Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm going to start a new blog called What _____ said

Because there are a few people I can insert in the blank and just go with that all day. One of those people is Athenae.

When you lionize the refusal to raise one's voice no matter the provocation, when you chalk an automatic in the loss column because somebody feels something, you're making the world around you just a little more dead. And you can put that shit on an iPad or on a piece of paper or in a newscast or in a Happy Meal, and the delivery mechanism won't matter. People won't pay for it. And you know what? Even if you gave it to them for free, they won't read it. Because it doesn't matter.

A good newspaper bleeds love for its community, cheerleads shamelessly for the betterment of all the people in its purview, argues passionately on behalf of those who cannot argue for themselves, and fights for what its leaders have decided to fight for, loudly and boldly and without apology. A lot of people think the problem with our elite media is that they fight for the powerful and comfortable and there's lots of remedies prescribed for that (Stop hiring white college grads! Stop hiring inside the community! Stop hiring outside the community! Stop unpaid internships! Start unpaid "citizen journalism!" GAH, to all of it.). I think the problem is they don't fight at all because they consider it uncouth.

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