
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

When the fire that burns in the predator's eyes takes another disguise with a different face*

If we continue to tell ourselves that there really is such a thing as a "non-politician" candidate, then we're going to continue to be burned when the supposed outsiders start to suddenly act all insidery... as though nobody could have predicted it.... except some people did.

At Rising Tide this year, John Slade got a big round of applause when he told us the lesson he had learned from the Ray Nagin experience was the folly of electing a "businessman" rather than a politician. I think the lesson is that all politicians are politicians. Although some of them like to sell themselves as something else. Rest assured at least one candidate in 2010 will run as an "outsider" based on his/her business credentials or extra-NOLA nativity or enthusiasm for Twitter or some such thing. Rest assured that candidate will be full of shit.


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