
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

"News douche"?

Wow the catch-phrases are coming at us rather quickly as of late. The most recent comes to us from Wayne Curtis via Kevin Allman in this essay about reading the newspaper on a Kindle.

Marshall McLuhan, or somebody like Marshall McLuhan, once said that you don’t actually read the morning paper, you slip into it like a bath. That about nails it. But reading the Times on the Kindle feels nothing like taking a bath. It’s more like getting a news douche.

Apparently you can get your news douche from the New York Times for the rather douchey price of $13.95 a month. Meanwhile, yesterday's T-P contained this notice stating that, beginning in October, you can receive home delivery of the Monday "Viewpoint" section and the decidedly douchey stylings of Chris Rose for a whopping $18.95


That looks more like a news enema than anything else.

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