
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Priority 1 and Priority 1A

When I got back to town Wednesday evening (in proud violation of the Mayor's stay-away-til-midnight order) I, like most people who had been unnecessarily frightened from and then obnoxiously kept out of their homes, had a lot of unexpected chores to deal with. I also... again, like most returnees, I'm sure... had two particular questions on my mind I wanted answered.

Before I left Nashville, I said that Priority 1 would be figuring out exactly how the "tier" reentry system was devised, why it wasn't widely publicized prior to evacuation, and if it was, in fact, even legal. I failed to mention that Priority 1A would be finding out who was stupid or irresponsible enough to leave yet another unsecured barge (and 69 other vessels as it turns out) adrift in the Industrial Canal during a hurricane. Thankfully, WCBF is already on the case of Priority 1A... and with much more fascinating detail than any other published report thus far.

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