This is more or less a comment on the previous thread. But it should be here just as a reminder of where I'm generally coming from with this stuff.
What I try to do here is discount the obligatory OUTRAGE every time it is discovered that one or another pol is a CROOK and focus on the more interesting political ramifications.
I know mine isn't the most popular position in the local blogosphere but I am still more or less of the school that politics is usually a choice between crooks of different agendas. You back the crook most likely to push for things you would like your government to do.
Some crooks want to make themselves rich by stealing money while busting unions and cutting and privatizing services while other crooks want to make themselves rich by stealing money while building schools and roads and hospitals and such.
Traditionally (and simplistically) some crooks steal for the rich and some crooks steal for the poor. The problem with our politics these days is that the poor and working classes are so fractured and disengaged that the crooks who would steal for them feel no pressure to steal for anyone but themselves. For this I mostly blame the elitist media and the dragon-obsessed Yuppie Left.
This is why I read the T-P the way I do. The paper is more or less an establishment mouthpiece. So it is instructive to determine which crooks they are backing... and then vote the other way.