Just Now @ Your Liberry:
(Ring Ring)
Me: Liberry
Caller: Hey, this is probably a stupid phone call but.. uh... I'm calling from Illinois and we're doing a trivia thing and uh... So like, you know the people who do the Voodoo... you know out on the bayou? Is there like a... a kind of name for that?
Me (remarkably not hurling the phone at the wall): Uhhhh a name for Voodoo or.. no, what are you asking me exactly?
Caller: You know it's like what you call the people who do the Voodoo. They're like Cajuns, right, but there's like another word. What? (To person yelling in the background) Yeah.. ok, like who started the Voodoo stuff. What do they call those people?
Me: (again, wondering why I'm still on the phone) Ummm where did Voodoo come from, you mean maybe?
Caller: No there's like a word for these people and it like starts with a J and..
Second person taking the phone from Caller 1: Okay like you know the movie Wild Orchid? They had these people who did the Voodoo and they called them something. They're something kind of like Cajuns but... um... okay nevermind.
End of Conversation.
I hate everything.