
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pass this around

Celcus has a nice long post up where he demystifies the inner wonkings of the UNOP for us a bit.

I've tended toward the view that the recovery planning process has been part of the shell game (also involving LRA) through which the Feds have continually moved the ball so as to avoid as much fiscal responsibility for rebuilding in the wake of the Federal Flood as possible.

It doesn't help that our local leadership is involved in a game of its own aimed at dividing the spoils of the disaster (new governmental contracts and real estate suddenly available in the wake of the chaos.. or as they like to put it, the "slate" being "wiped clean") among cronies.

Each of these games involves waiting until the bulk of the citizenry affected by the disaster tire of waiting for help.

Celcus's post doesn't do much to disabuse me of these notions. Here, I think, is the crucial bit.

I really do not know if anyone can accurately read the tea leaves as to what funding we will actually get. And we could well be told to drop dead. If the powers that be want to find something in the plan to harp on as an excuse, I am sure they will find something. They seem to enjoy tossing wrenches into the works in some twisted exercise of economic sadism. But they will have to come up with a new excuse to replace “you don’t have a plan”. At some point, even the most ardent of the "blame Louisiana first" crowd will have to admit that we are plainly being screwed, and nothing we do, or don't do, will change that.

And all I can add is, by the time anyone has to "admit we are plainly being screwed," the deed will be done.