
Friday, November 10, 2006

Duhbya-ism is alive and well

Contrary to popular assumption.

Bush's agenda for the lame duck session:

1) Try (again) to ram John Bolton through.

2) Wiretapping

3) New Sec of Defense nominee whose specialty happens to be making the intelligence fit the party line.

By 1991 the details of the scandal were all but forgotten, and Gates easily gained approval as Bush Senior’s CIA director. However, during the confirmation hearings several CIA employees with lengthy tenures at the agency came forward to testify against Gates, describing at length how Casey’s director of intelligence manipulated research so as to jibe with Reagan policy goals. "Gates knows how to develop his credentials and ingratiate himself," one colleague said of the nominee. He "ignored or scorned" views that didn’t conform to his own preconceptions Melvin Goodman, a senior official with a lengthy tenure noted. Gates’ role was "to corrupt the process and the ethics of intelligence."

It's a new era!