
Friday, November 10, 2006

Dems win helps LA with oil revenue bill

At least according to that "ultra-liberal" Times-Pic Editorial Page.

EDITORIAL: A hopeful sign
Friday, November 10, 2006

Louisiana is tantalizingly close to getting a long-delayed share of oil and gas revenues produced off our coast.

And Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid's support for a post-election push to settle the revenue-sharing matter is a good sign. Sen. Reid, who has made multiple trips to greater New Orleans post-Katrina, has been an ardent supporter of the region's recovery.

His words may carry a bit more weight today, though, since he will be the majority leader in the new Democrat-controlled Senate.

The House and Senate were unable to agree on a revenue-sharing strategy before the pre-election break. But substantial groundwork has been laid for Louisiana and other Gulf Coast states to get a share. Now that the election is over, the state's congressional delegation seems to be coming together behind the Senate measure.

That is smart. The Senate version has fewer sticking points, and time is tight. If Sen. Reid gets his wish, this could be the moment Louisiana gets its rightful share of the bounty produced off our coast.