
Monday, October 03, 2016

Programming update

City Council is talking about maybe postponing action on short term rentals that had been scheduled for Thursday. This article doesn't say exactly why. It only cites Jared Brossett saying he isn't in a hurry.
According to several council members' offices, Mayor Mitch Landrieu and his staff have taken a hands-off position recently and have not been pushing for specific policies. That could complicate efforts to hammer out an agreement, particularly since the administration would be responsible for enforcing any rules.

Brossett said he doesn't see a need to rush the process. Even though the council technically faces an Oct. 22 deadline to take action on the recommendations from the Planning Commission, he said the issue could always be brought back up again if that deadline is missed.
The mayor might be backing away in light of recent stories where members of his family have been found to be renting "whole home" Airbnbs. Or it could be something else.  There was a Twitter rumor this morning that the whole thing could get pushed back beyond the next municipal election. That sounds kind of nuts. But it would make the campaign a little more fun with STRs in the mix as a major issue.  

Selfishly, I kind of hope they do put it off this week.  I suddenly have to be out of town on Thursday and had hoped to be on hand to see the inevitable circus meeting.