Hey how 'bout dem Hornets, right? No? Okay well I'm about to try and get Menckles and her bum knee down to the Superdome in time to see... I don't know what we're going to see tonight. I do know that I'm late with last week's football post again and that I've been promising to stop that. But we've been playing
a lot of Plants vs Zombies at home this week as we recover from surgery and that has sapped some of the time. Also, we (meaning I) just kind of suck this season. (
Unlike Wang who continues to nail it week-in and week-out)
Every week at about this time, I promise to get this shit straightened out. And then a few hours later I'm reading the Saints' post-game interviews where they're promising the same thing. But what the hell, it's only Week 8. We'll get this shit sorted out
next week Promise.
Meanwhile, in the spirit of our accustomed laziness, please enjoy this recycled image of last year's Fleur-de-Jack-O-Lantern.