
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

You just want to be on the side that's winning

I'd go off on yet another long rant about why most Democrats and most people who call themselves "liberals" now are useless pseudo-intellectual Yuppie turds, but it's more fun and instructive to just make sure everyone is still reading the Daily Howler. Sommerby's "Heathers" series is spot-on. Most of it, as usual, is aimed at the fatuous media, but this graf from Part 1 speaks more generally to the compromised Yuppie Left at large.

Did someone yell, “Kill him?” (at a Palin rally) The Secret Service said this report was wrong. Did someone yell, “Go back to Kenya?” We can find no report of same. By the way: The conduct of Palin—and McCain—was reprehensible in these matters. But you know how we liberals can be! Rather than go to all the trouble of developing winning arguments about the Big Pols, we love to start sliming the Great Unwashed, hoping to let the cry of one represent the evil of all. After that, we wonder why the Great Unwashed won’t support our progressive agenda.

As our Yuppie Left President and our bought and paid for Congress prepare to deliver a badly compromised and private insurance driven health reform bill while simultaneously ordering more young Americans into a bloody imperial war zone, just remember that it was our so-called liberal pseudo-intellectuals and not the clownish ignoramuses they like to make so much sport of who made it all possible.

Howler posts:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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