Anyway, that fight is over with. Now we have a new one to deal with. Redeveloping these neighborhoods will depend on 1) protecting the entire region from future flooding. and 2) creating new economic opportunities for current and future residents. But we would prefer not to hear the elitists and the racists rally around Jack O'Lantern "I-told-you-so"s because that isn't what any of this was about.
In other planning-related news, I agree with this guy on today's idiot page.
I-10 stretch is here to stay: a letter to the editor
October 25, 2009, 1:38AM
Re: " I-10 over Claiborne gets royal treatment," Metro, Oct. 22.
Tearing down this expressway, as proposed in the New Orleans master plan, is nearly as bad an idea as putting it there in the first place. Those who think otherwise say that it led to the demise of neighborhoods and businesses along Claiborne Avenue, yet they ignore the fact that other areas with similar socio-economic makeup suffered the same decline even without an interstate highway dividing them, e.g. St. Claude Avenue or Earhart Boulevard.
Macro-economics and big-box retail killed the mom-and-pop stores, and some existing neighborhoods have found that the highway makes a great roof for festival marketplaces and other outdoor activities.
Removing this structure is also the least "green" option. Presently, vehicles traveling along I-10 are running at or near their peak efficient speed, whereas ground level traffic would be traveling at far less fuel-efficient speeds.
Removing the highway would exacerbate already bad streets by adding heavy traffic loads to them. It would lead to major increases in traffic in normally tranquil neighborhoods.
All city officials need to do is block off the length which the master plan proposes to be demolished. It will become readily apparent that removal of a major artery like I-10 is foolishness of the highest order.
George E. Merritt
New Orleans
Again, if people have jobs and feel safe, the neighborhood will be ok. If we just tear down an overpass, all we'll get are more streets crowded with cars.