
Wednesday, August 05, 2009


If a Congressman can be convicted for soliciting bribes even if the so-called bribery payments are unrelated to the Congressman's official duties, then doesn't that mean every former Congressperson/Senator who goes to work for a lobbying firm selling his or her influence and connections is guilty of the same thing? If so, how soon can we indict John Breaux, Billy Tauzin.... pretty much all of K Street?

Update: More instant reaction from Adrastos and also from Eli and Humid City.

Upperdate: This is worth remembering.
It's worth noting that the jury did not find Jefferson guilty on the Foreign Corruptions Practices Act, which was the count linked to the money in the freezer.

The one element of this case recognizable to even the most casual observer is a count on which Jefferson was acquitted.

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