
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Speaking of the weather

I am ashamed to say that the last time it snowed in New Orleans, Christmas 2004, I was spending the holiday in Nashville with mom. Luckily Consuela and Shehateme were here to capture for me souvenir photos of the Tercel covered in snow. A friend of the family watching my dad's apartment for him collected a snowball and left in the freezer for him when we got back.

Prior to that the most recent snow was also around Christmas 1989. We saved our copy of the next day's T-P which contained images like this one.

I think we got about a half an inch. It shut the whole city down. No one went to work. Lots of people's pipes burst. I'm not sure how the cold weather and snow impacted those few days in the world of "New Orleans Industrial Development" but the board seems to remember it fondly.