No cig tax for LA.
I, more or less, agree with Oyster. That is, I agree that this is a reflection of the Governor's relative political weakness. Somehow I don't expect that this will be the last major reverse for her. For a while, I had almost convinced myself that she had only appeared to be treading so lightly because she was waiting to see if she was going to get that extra year in office before deciding she could afford to start making enemies. Now it's beginning to look like she's just a lightweight.
As for the failure of the tax itself? It's a mixed bag.
Teacher pay raise: Would have been a good thing.
$1.00 sales tax paid mostly by the working poor: Would not have been such a good thing.
Has the Queen Bee entirely lost momentum? Well maybe not entirely. On the other hand, she's not exactly the most dynamic personality ever to occupy the governor's chair. Is she sure she still wants that extra year?