Ok I can't be the only one who has at least in part been secretly pining for this moment just for the opportunity to watch the whole conclave process. The answer to the obvious next question seems have been out there for some time now. It still may be a job for punditbook, however.
I also can't put the thought out of my mind that a leak from inside the College of Cardinals would be the story of the year. Not that it's too terribly likely that some septuagenarian cardinal will take it upon himself to live-blog the conclave but it is fun to think about. What conclavic moments might the world then be privy to.
9.30 am
You know you'd think the friggin Vatican could spring for some decent coffee at this thing. Cardinal Giovanni is sleeping at his desk again. No one says anything but I think they notice. This whole thing gets more embarrassing by the day. I don't know who this guy is talking right now but if I have to put up with one more of these fuckers droning on and on about The Da Vinci Code I'm going start seriously considering taking up snake handling. I'm seventy-eight years old for chrissake! I really ought to be home making the best of these precious final years. I certainly don't need to be flying halfway around the world to sit in a room full of pompous old farts trying to figure out who looks best in the big goofy hat. Personally, I could care less. I have enough trouble trying keep the altar boys from getting the wrong idea when I look directly at them. God I hate this. When is lunch?
Yeah, on second thought never mind.