
Monday, January 31, 2005

Ok, so some dogs love Mardi Gras

Yesterday afternoon brought more Carnival frivolity as Dad and Hombre attended the venerable Krewe of Carrollton parade with me. Hombre continues to have the greatest time ever had by a dog at Carnival.. although maybe these guys would disagree. He attentively watched every band and most floats. One rider even pointed him out and tossed a few beads his way. But his favorite carnival activity continues to be barking at, jumping at, and generally making a big fuss about the horses. One K of C officer had his horse bow its head low so that, as Hombre stood on his hind legs, the two animals could eyeball each other and pose for the cutest picture that I ever didn't have a camera for.
Carrollton is an outstanding parade thanks to the excessive number of marching bands included. Yesterday, they progressed so slowly through the streets with numerous prolonged stops along the way that the day lasted much longer than planned. King Arthur, following Carrollton didn't entirely pass my Third Street vantage point until around 5PM. The extended festivities allowed Daisy and I to bring Susie (longtime readers of this site and the now defunct I Have a Snake will remember Suze as Daisy's over-friendly, well meaning, nonetheless habitually man-eating baby pit bull) to watch the late and troubled Bards of Bohemia parade. The Bards are involved in some kind of strange power struggle within their ranks. Here on the Krewe's website, one of the claimants to the Krewe's captaincy is threatening legal action against those members who rolled under the Bards name. Please make sure the sound on your computer is on before clicking on that link. Nothing could be more hilarious than reading a threat to sue while "Mardi Gras Mambo" plays in the background. Whatever these troubles are the Krewe is going through, they are definitely affecting the quality of the parade. I recognized many of their floats from previous parades this season. I know that float recycling is a not uncommon practice, but this looked really shabby for some reason. Also given this incident and the current trends in the cost of parade insurance, it shouldn't be too surprising to see these guys off the schedule next year.
As for Susie, well I think she's going to have to work on it a bit. Ordinarily fearless, she watched most of the parade with a panicked look on her face and her tail between her legs. When the bands came by with their big drums, she tried to run off down the street and hide. What a baby! What a big scary baby with powerful jaws and fearsome claws who never fails to break the skin even when she play bites you. I think I'll bring a bass drum next time I visit her.

Tonight: No parades. Good thing because it's cold and wet out.

Tomorrow: Krewes of Ancient Druids and Morpheus. Bad thing because it may still be cold and wet.