
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Just in time for peak tourist season

This week's Gambit interviews one of the authors of How to Burn Down the House: The Infamous Waiter and Bartender's Scam Bible by Two Bourbon Street Waiters. I know a couple of folks who might find this an amusing read could have written this book their ownselves. My favorite snippet from the article:
If an unscrupulous waiter has easy access to self-service salads and wants to steal the proceeds, he might prey on the insecurities of customers. "He could say, ŒThe Caesar salad is really good if you want to eat light.' Put someone on the spot. Say it to a chubby person," DeGlinkta says. "Probably a lot of great scammers in history got their start on the restaurant floor. You're intimidating people into buying stuff."
This is exactly the same philosophy you get at any "legitimate" ad agency. Ain't capitalism grand?