
Monday, August 27, 2007

Guide to Yuppie NOLA

Oh that horrid Gambit Best of New Orleans survey! Yup, it's back. You know it. You hate it. You question its methodology. If its results were in any way reflective of reality, you'd probably move to Houston.

I'll spare you the nitpicking since Schroeder has already sliced the thing up nicely this morning.

But if you are looking for one piece of evidence beyond all others that indicates the amount of shame earned by the Gambit and the organizers of this survey, it is this:

Best Local Legislator:

Bobby Jindal

Bobby Jindal has legislated 100 percent of the time in favor of Geroge Bush's perpetual Iraq meat grinder. Is this really the best we can do?

Aside: In case you needed any more fire here, Chris Rose was voted "Best Local Columnist" For the record, I voted for Jarvis Deberry.

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