
Thursday, November 07, 2024

Can't use the ring to do good, Frodo

There's a bunch of baby brained takes from Democrats today. Some of them, I suppose, are introspection in good faith, but many of them, I am certain, are not. But bypassing that for a moment, one thought I will offer is the kind of tactics that work for the right, don't work for the "left" (including left leaning liberals) and shouldn't.  

You aren't going to be effective at building and winning working class power with marketing tactics. This isn't a product that people need to be tricked into buying. Democrats don't need a slicker podcast or a stable of influencers that appeal to isolated demographics. This is not about smart guys sitting in a room devising ways to move the hogs in the right direction.  That's what con artists do.  Right wing politics is a con job.  Participatory democracy is not.

Something something something "the master's tools" etc.