
Monday, March 28, 2022

Bonus level

Sometimes in the middle of the game, Mario goes down a hidden tube and discovers a whole new secret challenge level he has to beat.  Congratulations to the legislature on sliding down their own tube here

Never before has the day of the veto session, which is dictated by the state Constitution and state law, fallen during another gathering of the Legislature. There is no legal framework to guide lawmakers. So, leadership would adjourn the current session, convene a short veto override session, which after the vote would adjourn and the current regular session would reconvene.

They're not all convinced this maneuver is constitutionally valid, strictly speaking, so there might be an extra-bonus secret level to this game that gets played out in the courts.  Also, once the bonus level begins, there may not be quite as many coins in the tube to pick up as there were before. 
Additionally, lobbyists are generally forbidden from the State Capitol during a redistricting special session.
Kind of a fun little glitch there. It would be more fun if they had to kick the lobbyists out of their hotel rooms for a few days and check them back in. That feature might come in the expansion pack.