It's Saturday night at home again. There's not much most of us can do about anything at the moment. Find something to read or watch. Hey how about this.
Here is Huey delivering a radio address in 1935. He begins by going after FDR for not moving fast enough or radically enough while poking fun at him for hanging out on the Astors' yacht with the British royal family. Then he moves on to describe the worsening state of wealth inequality while criticizing various media entities who he points out have either had to eat their words on the subject or whose editorialists are often lying about the facts as reported in their own publications. Next he goes on to describe the tenets of the Share Our Wealth program. No one too rich, no one too poor. Everyone is entitled to a free education. Retirees over 60 should live in comfort. Veterans should be supported. (He's a bit off on the "debt" rhetoric. Just mint the damn coin.) Finally he lays a series of bible verses on us in support of all of the above.
Anyway it's good stuff if you want to spend half an hour in yesterday's calamity in order to take your mind off today's for a bit. Or maybe it's just a way to refocus.