
Thursday, June 13, 2013

More booze in the news

This time in the form of a cruise.  Or.. what used to be a commute.

A bill sitting on Gov. Bobby Jindal’s desk proposes that the Regional Transit Authority take over some ferry service. But, this being New Orleans, a citizen’s group has come up with an alternate strategy just in case: Turn the ferry into a party boat and let the service pay for itself by offering music, ad space, a clothing store, good food and specialty cocktails.

“One of the great things about New Orleans is our ability to turn anything functional into a fun time,” said Grant Morris, the ItsNewOrleans.com radio host who came up with the “Buy the Algiers Ferry” scheme. “There’s no reason why the ferry can’t be turned into a self-sustaining project. Besides, who wouldn’t want to have a cocktail?” he added.
Not to worry. There is exactly zero chance that they'll raise the funds to "Save The Ferry" by turning it into yet another extension of our adult Disneyland concept.  But the proposal tells us some not so surprising things about the way our "entrepreneurial creatives" think about stuff.  One theory might suggest this is a sign of "super-intelligence"  although I rather doubt it.  For the rest I defer to Jules Bentley's comments below the article here.