Salesperson: Hello may I speak to (HURRICANE-DISPLACED FORMER BRANCH HEAD)
Me: I'm sorry (HURRICANE-DISPLACED FORMER BRANCH HEAD) is not currently with the library.
Salesperson: Oh well who can I speak with about (BLAH BLAH BLAH SALES CRAP)?
Me: Well that might be complicated at the moment given that we are running what is left of our library system with limited resources and staff after the storm.
Salesperson: Storm? (PAUSE TO PRESUMABLY LOOK DOWN AT SOMETHING) Oh this is New Orleans isn't it!
Me: Uh
Salesperson: Wow! So.... wow. You know.. that's great. You know, I uh watch the news and stuff and.... Wow.... so did you have like, um, snakes in your library and stuff?
Me (resisting the urge to hang up): Well, if you're interested, the library's website has photos of the damage done to all of our flooded branches as well as information about our recovery and how people can help.
Salesperson: Wow... Okay... so ... good luck
Me: Yeah bye
Should have told her the truth is that we been havin'snakes. But that would have been too easy.