
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

City of God

This morning on WWL radio I heard Clancy Dubos explain to us that the Democrats took control of Congress in 2006 and that President Obama has a commanding lead in most national polls right now primarily because there is a mysterious pendulum force out there that inevitably swings between parties.

Americans tired of endless war? Americans worried about the economy? Corruption? Energy? Health care? All of these actual things that happen in the profane world are mere distractions which serve to prevent our seeing and feeling the comforting inevitability of the pendulum force.

I made a serious mental note of this. If, one day, I am called to become a high profile political commentator, I will need to understand these mysterious forces so that I can properly divine them for the radio listeners. (It's best to do these things on the radio. That way the audience doesn't have to watch you pick through those nasty animal entrails)

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