
Friday, February 15, 2008

All-Star Weekend In New Orleans

Welcome, NBA players, fans, and corporate douchebag hangers-on to New Orleans for All-Star Weekend. Please try not to piss off our heavily armed Mayor and police force. They are an unstable lot to begin with. It's really best not to interact with them at all.

In the meantime, please enjoy yourselves in our city. We trust you'll let us know when we can have our public spaces back for public use. Oh and if you happen to see Byron Scott over the weekend, tell him to bite us. We'll think about coming to watch him coach when we're done with the more important things we do around here... like football and Carnival. Oh but as soon as French Quarter Fest arrives, he can once again kiss our collective asses.

Also... why don't you guys play HORSE anymore?

Video via Minor Wisdom where there is more Pistol Pete magnificence on display.

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