Napoleon Avenue neutral ground December 1, 2015
This class action lawsuit against SELA reported on last night by WWLTV has actually been in the works for a while now.
NEW ORLEANS – A group of Uptown property owners has filed a class action lawsuit against the Army Corps of Engineers over the massive Uptown drainage project that has been underway for a couple of years.I have questions, though. So say you manage to "bring the work to a halt." What happens next? Do they just have to fill in the holes they've dug and go home? Probably not, right? We're 20 years into this project. Might as well let them finish and be done with it. You do want flood protection, right?
The group says that while they understand the need for flood protection, they are upset at damage to their homes and quality of life.
They say they're so frustrated they decided to file a class action lawsuit in an attempt to bring the Army Corps of Engineers work to a halt. The suit argues, among other things, that "foundations are broken, floors are sinking, roofs are collapsing and leaking, sewer mains are broken and doors and windows no longer operate."
Bill Capo of Eyewitness News has been reporting on the residents' complaints for months, documenting damages back in June. Plaintiffs say it's only gotten worse, comparing the ordeal to the mother of all catastrophes.Oookayy.. are you sure that's what you want the lawsuit to say? Because Katrina was kinda bad. What, for example, is the death toll from SELA thus far? But, OK. What else you got?
"I think this has been worse than Katrina, when we had six feet of flood, because this just keeps going on and on and on," said Sewell.
The suit alleges this is a historic district that by law must be protected.Yeah... kind of like the Confederate monuments, I guess. Maybe the pile driving isn't hitting hard enough.
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