
Thursday, December 14, 2006

Though I am loathe to talk about '08 just yet

I need to get at least this far out in front with this.

Barack Obama = Major Douchebag

Obama, of course, has a mixed record on structural economic policy. He made a solid move by voting against the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) on the grounds that it did not include strong enough worker protections. But he wrote a Chicago Tribune op-ed making sure the right people knew “I wish I could vote in favor of CAFTA” and then, in classic fashion, created a strawman argument that an unnamed group of people who voted against CAFTA want to “stop globalization.” Obama was also one of a handful of Democratic senators to vote for the Oman Free Trade Agreement - like CAFTA, an agreement with no labor, human rights or environmental protections. Then again, to his credit, he is now talking about pushing universal health care - not an easy issue to talk about with such powerful interests backing the status quo. But Obama has been careful not to actually offer any shred of detail on what exactly he means, and has criticized proposals for a single-payer system, much like the one that congressmen and senators are included in.

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