
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Good post-mortem from MyDD

Matt Stoller:

Well it sure looks like Jefferson is going to be reelected. A few years ago I might have been quite upset and self-righteous about it, but it does seem like corruption is a small matter in New Orleans, and there is good reason for residents to have no faith in charges against someone like Jefferson even if they are true. It's hard to imagine the complete breach of faith that city has with the Federal government and the rest of the country. There are just no trusted streams of information in a city like that, it's all rumors at this point, and when rumors are the only source of information, you believe what you want to believe. This is the electorate responding to what a total breakdown of leadership looks like.

Anyway, the question now is whether Jefferson will get back his committee assignment until he's indicted. Ugh. This situation is just so embarrassingly awful.

I have two fun predictions here.
  • Jefferson will get his committee assignment back because...

  • He will not be convicted.... may not even be indicted.

Note: Keep in mind, I can't predict anything correctly other than crazy elections in Orleans Parish.

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