Friday, October 11, 2019

Y'all we gotta elect a governor, I guess

Obviously I have tons and tons of notes and bookmarked links and takes takes takes on the Governor's election plus many of the local races as well. But that is going to have to wait until later.  As usual, I don't like telling people who to vote for because, again, as usual all of the candidates are bad.   Probably I'll post some useless horse race predictions or some such.  Meanwhile, I think this document says a lot of what I might have.  At least, as far as the Governor's race goes, anyway.

Oh and the constitutional amendments are mostly bad.  I'm going to vote against the first three for sure.  Number 4 is kind of an either/or. The stated purpose of it is affordable housing. But the actual question before voters is about allowing the city to grant tax breaks to developers and landlords.  That might not be a complete disaster depending on the rules that govern whatever actual policies the city formulates using this new discretion.

For example, the city might tie a tax exemption to stipulations on maximum rents in Central City.  OR it might just subsidize luxury condos downtown in exchange for token contributions to a "housing fund" targeted in New Orleans East. There are a lot of possibilities.  But that all comes down the road in city planning meetings, at city council, in backrooms with the mayor's staff, etc. All we're doing here is deciding whether or not we want to have arguments with those people about this stuff in the future.  Maybe we do.  But, given the whole history of everything ever, we aren't likely to win those arguments.

On the political points scoreboard, the thing is just as much a tossup.  On the one hand, the mayor is for it.  On the other, BGR is against it. When "both sides" are bad, you can't go wrong voting against either of them.

And that's a pretty good theme for this whole election slate, really.  Most everything on the ballot is bad. Go vote against as many of those people as you can.

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