Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Speaking of disaster capitalism

The state is considering selling off highway construction to for profit toll collectors. 
Gov. John Bel Edwards is hoping the private sector will provide upfront capital for transportation construction in exchange for repayment -- often through toll revenue -- over time.

"This is a first step in positioning the state to leverage private sector resources in delivering major enhancements to the I-10 capital corridor," Edwards said Monday (Jan. 30). "We aren't likely to have the revenue needed to make a (public-private partnership) work for the entire corridor today, but we will be ready to advance such a partnership if the Legislature acts in a meaningful way to fund transportation during the upcoming regular session."

In other words, legislators must first embrace some of the administration's potential revenue-raising ideas, such as hiking the gasoline tax
John Bel is trying to make an Obama style "grand bargain" in the age of government by gangsterism. It's a shame that the gangsters are going to take all of our money in the process. But if they bury the chump governor who sold us out to them under one of their toll bridges, maybe we can take some satisfaction from that.

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