Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Practically a tourist attraction

Advocate HQ

John Georges's new The New Orleans Advocate headquarters is open for business.  You might think that business is running a newspaper but the way this reads, it sounds more like they're managing an event space that just happens to have a newspaper in the building.
The Advocate’s renovation stripped the building to its beams, then painstakingly restored the original look. In addition to the Advocate offices, the 20,000-square foot building has a large assembly and event space, as well as a second-floor suite with additional entertainment space and a recessed balcony for Mardi Gras parade-watching. The lobby, once the car dealer showroom, is connected to the second floor by a new feature, a 20-foot high spiral staircase that overlooks the lobby and the newsroom.

A coffee shop is also planned, which will connect with the building's lobby, with the aim of creating a community gathering place. The Advocate plans to have a series of events around Mardi Gras, using custom-built reviewing stands.
If you are curious about rates and availability for your upcoming event, the article doesn't say anything about booking.  So it's a little late into this year's social season to start hosting the deb parties and Carnival balls and stuff.  Eventually, the plan is for Nell Nolan not to have to leave the office. 

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