Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Keep bugging your representatives

Is our Democrats learning?  Maybe a little bit.
Amid mounting opposition from Democrats and labor groups, the confirmation hearing for labor secretary nominee and fast-food chief executive Andrew Puzder has been delayed a fourth time.
If you have a Democratic Senator, it serves well to keep after them. They tend not to stay this stiff-backed without continual encouragement.

In Louisiana, we have dopes like John Neely Kennedy and Bill Cassidy carrying our flag for us.  But it's every bit as worth it to talk at them too.  Cassidy is holding a Facebook townall this afternoon at 4:45. That means there's still time to get in a comment or question if you use the Parallel Internet. Here's what I sent him.

President Trump's nominee for Secretary of Labor is multi-millionaire fast food magnate Andrew Puzder. Puzder is on record standing opposed to federal minimum wage laws and overtime standards. Furthermore, 60 percent of his restaurants (Carl's Jr, Hardee's) have been named in violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Senator, is this the sort of person we should accept in an office charged with enforcing federal laws intended to protect workers from abuse? Also, as a medical professional, how many Hardee's Budweiser Beer Cheese Bacon Thickburgers would you recomend your consituents include in their diet per week?

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