
Monday, October 08, 2012


This morning, after noting the low water pressure, and having the most recent 2010 episode of this in mind, I checked around the various internets, NOLAreadys and news outlets for the type of warning we were promised would be forthcoming in case of a similar emergency.

St. Martin and Sneed said on Friday that they have changed their emergency protocols as a result. In the future, they said, they will call senior city officials at their home and cell phones -- or dispatch police to rouse them, if necessary -- when major problems occur at night.

Both officials also said "official" emergency advisories no longer will be required to trigger the text and e-mail alert system. 

Not finding any texts or emails or the like, most of us assumed that the police didn't have to kick down the mayor's door or anything this time and went on with our morning shower, coffee, glass of water, etc. routine.

5 hours later...

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