Thursday, April 12, 2012


I'm finding this post a few days late but I knew this Gambit blog transit series had potential. This week's edition takes us on the Broad Street line and does not disappoint.
Although I informed the bus driver I was doing something for work and although the RTA's Photo and Video Policy states, "Here at the New Orleans RTA, we are proud of our city and our transit system. You are welcome to take pictures and video of the system and of the sights you see when riding it," the driver still fussed at me, asking, "Do [sic] the R-uhTA know about this? I don't wanna get in trouble," and distracted me from taking pictures of the garden outside of Mary Queen of Vietnam Catholic Church on Dwyer. Oh well. It was time for me to get off the bus anyway.

Much more like that. Go read.

Update: The misadventures in the East theme of this put me in mind of something from way back in the before time when Daisy and I were out there getting to know the neighbors and making stupid in-jokes about apostrophes('s) and cramming a bunch of unrelated shit into one long paragraph and whatnot.

Also news from the East today.

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