
Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Saints teaser post

As many of the regular readers are aware, when I go to the Saints games I bring with me 1) a cell phone for posting comments to the Tweeter Tube and 2) a flask full of liquor for mixing with my eight dollar soda. The combination makes for increasingly fun stupidity as the game wears on... not to mention some cringe-worthy moments upon review of the game-time Tweeter Tubings come the following morning. For example, it appears that the last thing tweeted last evening somewhere around midnight reads:

Thank God the Saints won because FUCK ED BLAKELY

Worse still, I seem to have been so proud of that one that I decided to copy and paste it to Facebook where it reads:

hank God the Saints won because FUCK ED BLAKELY

And so let us all give hanks to God this morning. The Saints are 7-0.

More to come... hopefully before week's end.

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