
Friday, October 03, 2008

Tomorrow is election day in NOLA

As long time readers know, this site does not make political endorsements.... except in races that feature Dangerblond on the ballot. But we do engage in some handicapping from time to time if only because we thoroughly enjoy being told how wrong we are. Here's some of what I think we'll see tomorrow.

Orleans Parish District Attorney: Runoff Capitelli vs Cannizarro

U.S. Congress 2nd District Democratic Primary: Another runoff Moreno vs Dollar Bill. Unlike most observers, I think Jefferson is going back to Congress and I DON'T think he's going to jail.

There are two referendums on the ballot in Orleans Parish. One is a $63.2 million bond issue for prison construction. It will fail. The other is a charter change to allow Robert Cerasoli to continue sophisiticating up the corruption. It will pass.

There are also races for the Orleans Parish School Board on the ballot. I can't handicap these races but I can point you again to Leigh's summary of the election and add that when it comes to education-related politics in New Orleans I know that E knows what he knows.

There are also several judicial races on the ballot. This is Adrastos's and Dangerblond's department. I won't vouch for their recommendations though. Nor can I say anything intelligent about how those races might go.

Oyster also made some recommendations this morning.

The one bit of advice I can offer is that if you are not registered to vote and wish to vote in the November 4 Presidential election, the deadline to register is Monday.

Beyond that, you're on your own. Go vote tomorrow.

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